Shark Diving Oahu

Shark Diving Weekly Top Moments

Hawaii Adventure Diving photographer and safety diver Sammy Falgiani hangin' out with a huge tiger shark.

Sammy Falgiani posing with a large tiger shark off the coast of Oahu's north shore.

This week's top shark moment features Hawaii Adventure Diving shark tour photographer and safety diver Sammy Falgiani posing with a large tiger shark off the coast of Oahu's north shore. Sammy can be seen with her arms outstretched in a gesture that says something like, “Yep, this is my life!” And an amazing life it is! As one of Hawaii Adventure Diving's top tour photographers and safety divers, Sammy consistently produces breathtaking underwater photos of our shark tour guests.

In her original post caption, Sammy writes, “Playing with shark approaches. I love animals and watching their subtle behaviors and then applying that understanding to talking to them and actually interacting with a wild animal. Every conversation is always on the animal's terms. Always dive with wildlife with a more experienced diver.”

We're all amazed at the work she does capturing incredible moments whether as still images or breath taking high definition video. And the fact that this is what she does for a living and for fun is just—well, mind blowing!

Speaking of always diving with a more experienced diver, come take a dive with Sammy and the crew and see what it's like for yourself! We'd love to have you.


Photo credit:

Photos by Sammy:

Hawaii Adventure Diving Instagram:

Some facts about Tiger sharks in Hawaii

Tiger sharks, known for their distinctive stripes and formidable presence, are an integral part of Hawaii's marine ecosystem. They serve as apex predators, helping maintain the balance of the marine food chain. Unfortunately, misconceptions and media portrayal often overshadow their ecological importance, leading to unnecessary fear and negative attitudes.

Hawaii Adventure Diving is committed to changing this narrative through responsible and educational shark tourism. By offering immersive experiences with tiger sharks, guests are not only treated to a once-in-a-lifetime encounter but also educated on the importance of these creatures in the oceanic ecosystem. Our tours emphasize respect for the sharks' natural behavior, ensuring minimal disturbance to their habitat.

Moreover, our efforts extend beyond the tours. We actively participate in and support marine conservation initiatives, aiming to protect not only the tiger sharks but the entire marine environment. Each dive is an opportunity to inspire our guests, turning them into advocates for shark conservation.

In essence, shark tourism, when conducted responsibly, is not just an exhilarating adventure; it's a powerful tool for conservation. It helps dispel myths, promote understanding, and encourage the protection of these vital marine species.

Book Your Adventure Today.

Embrace the thrill of open ocean, cage-free shark diving with Hawaii Adventure Diving, the top-rated adventure outfit on the island with a perfect 5-star Google rating. With a passion that extends beyond business, our highly-skilled crew delivers transformative experiences, offering unparalleled service where safety, education, and an unforgettable journey are our hallmarks.